Saturday, March 1, 2008

March 2

It’s 130pm and my roommate is still sleeping. She likes to sleep through half the day and yet still go to bed before midnight. I find it a little bizarre but maybe that will change when school starts. She’s only my roommate for a week and then someone else will be moving in. But she’s 30 years old, from Africa, and I have to ask her to repeat almost everything she says. She also, really enjoys being naked which I’m guessing is an African thing. She’s incredibly nice though and we get along fine.

Yesterday I spent part of the day at the beach watching an Iron Man Competition. The beach was packed with bleachers and people were everywhere. It lasted about 4 hours and they had different water competitions. It was fun. But the more interesting part of the day came later. It was Mardi Gras last night. But not the beads and masks we’re used to. Here, Mardi Gras is a gay festival. The parade went all around the city and millions of people lined the street. It was pandemonium. People were getting trampled and most everyone was drunk. It was really scary at times when the crowd started pushing. I went with one of the girls who I live with, her name is Liz. And we watched what we could for about 45 minutes and then gave up. It was so overwhelming and chaotic. It was definitely worth seeing and I took a whole bunch of pictures, but it was absolutely crazy. Everyone was in costumes, had their face painted, and more. The amount of men in tight sequined Speedos was uncountable. It was hilarious. There’s a link to the right of my blog that will take you to the pictures.

As for now, I’m about to go to lunch with an Aussie boy who studied abroad at Texas 2 years ago. We ran into each other at the firm festival last week so now we’re going to catch up. I’m constantly reminded of how small of a world it is.
Bye everyone.

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