Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 14

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve written but not much has happened here. School overtook my life for about a week. I spent my days in the library and in my room writing a paper. I really was hoping that studying abroad would be more abroad and less studying but oh well.

Two weekends ago I had my friend Alex come to visit me. She’s studying in Brisbane and she and 3 of her friends came to see Sydney. I did more touristy stuff with them than I have in a long time! We went on a ferry boat ride in the harbor which was fun. I took them to one of Sydney’s many markets called Paddington market. It’s tons of booths and tents set up with anything from produce to souvenirs. I bought an Aussie sweatshirt, thongs (known in American as flip flops), and a purse all for $40 bucks! Wahoo. That’s really the first shopping I’ve done since I’ve been here- things are just way to expensive. Then we also did this walk from Coogee beach to Bondi beach. It’s just this beautiful walk along the ocean front for about 5 miles. It was absolutely amazing! I took a bunch of pictures which I’ve posted for ya’ll. I also included a pic of my new house!! Don’t let it fool you though, it is terrace housing so I really only live in half of it, haha.

This weekend I went to a local rugby game for a fieldtrip. Sports here are SO VIOLENT. It’s almost hard for me to watch. But this was just a community game- it reminded me of watching little league but with adults because it is such a family attraction. It was cool though to see how the whole community comes out to support these teams.

Anyway, I handed my paper in today so I feel like I got my soul back. Now I gotta go get ready for some celebrations!

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