Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 25

It’s so weird to think that I’m going to be back in my bed in a month and a half. Most of my friends are already home which is even more weird to consider. I’m not ready to be done yet!!!
Even though my time is running down, my adventures still continue. After I went skydiving, I got sick which I believe was my parents still finding a way to punish me from across the world. I could even hear their words in my head: “that’s what you get for being stupid, Shira.” So I’ve been dealing with a sinus infection for the past week which is no fun.

Once I felt better, I went with my friends to an amusement park called Luna Park. It’s a kiddy theme park across the harbor and I’m pretty sure we were the only people over the age of 11. But we still went on the rides, won stuffed animals, and had a blast! On Monday, my friend Liz and I went on a little date. We went out to lunch in the city and then walked around window shopping. Then we went and saw the Real World house. (The house where the cast from the MTV show Real World lived). After that, we walked around the Chinese Gardens which was very pretty (recommended by Uncle Allan - thanks!).

Then Thursday night I went to a friend’s 21st birthday party in north Sydney. This is an Aussie boy who is conveniently studying in Austin next semester so that’s really cool! But his parents had the most amazing dinner party for us. I haven’t been that well fed since I got here. Thank you Jewish parents.

Friday I left for Brisbane to visit my friend Krueger who is studying there. It was a really nice visit – the weather was amazing and I was able to layout on the beach again!!! We spent a lot of time in the city and walking around town. Brisbane is nice but it’s nothing special. Also, her school is kind of in the middle of no where. But she lives with all Australians so it was a fun atmosphere. Now I’m back in cold Sydney and getting ready to live up the next few weeks before I have to start preparing for finals. Talk soon! Cheers.

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