Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 5

Unfortunately, I’ve done most of the exciting things here and my days have become repetitive. School, food, and sleep seem to by my major activities. I’ve been loaded with a lot of work lately so I haven’t been experiencing much of anything anymore other than the Sydney libraries. But I just turned in a final essay today so I have one down and 3 more to go over the next two weeks. Most of my friends are traveling and doing exciting stuff but that’s because their school isn’t as hard and their grades don’t transfer. So I’m the loner stuck here by myself.

Last weekend we discovered a cool place in the city called karaoke world. We went there with about 10 people and sang karaoke the whole night. It was a cool place- it had tons of rooms that you rent out for a night. Then you fill the room with friends and sing without the uncomfortably of people you don’t know. Jenna and I performed a very convincing Danny and Sandy in Grease’s Summer Nights. But as the night continued, everyone just ended up screaming each song on the top of their lungs and it was turned into one big headache.

I also had a few of my friends that I met on the NZ trip come and stay with me for a night. They were going to Cairns the next morning and wanted to be closer to the airport so they came to visit. It was really great to see them- especially since who knows when the next time will be…

Then last Sunday I had my last bit of fun before the hell of finals began. A group of 4 of us got tickets to the Sydney Opera House. We went to see Edward Scissor Hands. It was an amazing show. It was mostly dancing and it had a great set. The theater was surprisingly small. I learned that there is more than one theater in the place which I didn’t realize before. But I’m glad I can say that I saw a play in the Opera House.

Don’t expect much exciting news during the weeks to come :(

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